Home → Ways to Give → Donate Now» LEAAP Scholarship Fund
To help diversify the K-12 education workforce, the League of Educators for Asian American Progress (LEAAP) of Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) seeks contributions for annual scholarship awards. Each year, LEAAP awards scholarships to deserving MCPS graduating seniors who plan to pursue a degree in the field of education.
Your gift in support of a LEAAP Scholarship assists a student interested in educating the future workforce. Give $2000 or more, and you will be recognized by having an award given in your name; for example, the Your Name LEAAP Scholarship. Or, make your gift in tribute to someone else and the scholarship can be given in the honoree's name. Scroll down to make your gift today.
Sponsor your LEAAP Scholarship Award by December 31 and you can be acknowledged at LEAAP's annual Lunar New Year Event (usually held in January or February). Make your contribution by March 31 and you will receive recognition at the annual LEAAP Scholarship Awards Event in May. For more information, contact Darshan Jain at Darshan_K_Jain@mcpsmd.org
Payment Options
Send a check. Download the LEAAP Scholarship Award Sponsor Form and follow the instructions.
Text. On your mobile phone, text LEAAP to 301-329-2238 and follow the prompts.
Make an immediate gift. Use this form to make a secure online payment by credit card, by debit card, or by electronic check. Please use the comment field below to tell us additional information you want us to know. Select the payment amount and press Donate Now to complete your contribution. Sponsor payment amounts below do not include the processing fee.