Participating Organizations

Who We Are


  • 29 years of service to the community, providing students with the skills, support, and confidence they need to succeed
  • 12 Saturday School centers
  • 3,200 students enrolled annually
    • 80% Hispanic or African American
    • 60% qualify for FARMS
    • 20% receive ESOL services 
  • 1,200 parents attend parent workshops
  • 165 certified teachers as tutors
  • 455 volunteers
  • 125 High Achievement Scholarships awarded since 2005
  • 1,000+ breakfasts served to students every Saturday morning
  • $450 cost of tutoring one student for one year 
  • $70 total fee charged for tutoring one student for one year ($40 for students eligible for FARMS)

What We Do

Saturday School provides instruction and mentoring services to students in grades 1−12 at twelve centers on Saturdays during the school year. (Kindergarten is offered at two sites.) Students build a strong academic foundation and develop a confident, positive self-image. Their increased assurance and understanding of “what’s possible” encourages them to reach for higher goals and to accomplish more than they ever imagined! A key player in the effort to close the achievement gap, Saturday School not only focuses on students who are having academic difficulty, but supports students engaged in challenging advanced courses so they’ll be college and career-ready!

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Contact Us

Phone: (301) 649-8078


Sligo Middle School 1401 Dennis Avenue 
Silver Spring, MD 20902

