Summer RISE

Summer RISE

A Career-Based Learning Opportunity for Students

summer rise logoSummer RISE is an initiative led by the Montgomery County Public Schools' Department of Partnerships in collaboration with local businesses, government agencies, higher education institutions, and nonprofit organizations.

It is a summer career-based learning opportunity for Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) rising juniors and seniors. The experience exposes students to career field options and provides students with advice from adults in careers they may want to consider. This program helps inform student decision-making about life after high school. Through the Summer RISE Program, students will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on learning related to their field of interest. Students also will be able to learn about, and build upon, professional skills determined by the business community as important skills to know. 

Each Summer RISE host teaches students about their organization and how it functions as a whole; students then learn about careers within the host organization. These participating businesses and organizations are able to learn about and mentor the talented youth of Montgomery County while considering them for their talent pipeline.

MCPS prepares students for their experience at host organizations through a mandatory workshop on expectations for workplace behavior, communication, and customer/colleague interaction.  The workshop also includes a financial literacy component that teaches the importance of being fiscally responsible. Students who complete the program will receive a stipend to cover expenses, such as clothing, food, office supplies and transportation.

Your contribution will help support, promote, and continue the academic components of Summer RISE. You may learn more about the program, student experiences, and host testimonials at

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