Small Grants Archive

2003-2004 Grants Awarded


Project Name

1. Belmont ES Parents and Children Together in Reading
2. Blair, Montgomery HS Silver Chips
3. Blake, James Hubert HS Literacy for All Students
4. Broad Acres ES Leap to Success in Reading
5. Brookhaven ES Listening Library
6. Brown Station ES Plugged in for Reading
7. Capt. James E. Daly ES Read to Succeed
8. Carson, Rachel ES Reading for Friends
9. Carson, Rachel ES Reading Games-Home/School Connection
10. Clemente, Robert MS

The Leadership and Democracy Education Program

11. Damascus ES Pyramid of Intervention: Parent Outreach Program
12. Damascus HS Cross-Age Teaching of Science
13. Department of Student Services A Second Chance
14. Dufief ES Special Education Learning Center Coordinator
15. East Silver Spring ES Math Game Time
16. Edison, Thomas HS of Technology Hotel/Travel "ServSafe" Sanitation Program
17. Edison, Thomas HS of Technology Network Operations
18. Forest Oak MS Calculators on Loan
19. Frost, Robert MS Euclid's Challenge
20. Gaithersburg HS Biotechnology Unit
21. Gaithersburg MS Madd Multimedia Assembly
22. Galway ES Family Book Club
23. Gifted and Talented Team Math Differentiation in the Secondary Classroom
24. Gifted and Talented Team Math Differentiation in the Primary Classroom
25. Goshen ES K-1 Early Reading Success Program
26. Greenwood ES Greenwood Gator Aides
27. Highland View ES Kindergarten Leapfrog
28. Highland View ES Touch Phonics
29. Jackson Road ES PEP
30. Jackson Road ES Electronic Book Club
31. John T. Baker MS Make it Count
32. Kemp Mill ES Family Lending Library
33. Longview ES Separate Special Education Day
34. Longview ES Inclusive Circle Time
35. Magruder HS Special Education Department
36. Maryvale ES Establishing Read Along Lending Library
37. Matsunaga ES Reading differentiation
38. Matsunaga ES/Longview School Urias Inflatable Pressure Splints
39. Montgomery Knolls ES Computers and Music for Kids
40. Montgomery Knolls ES ESOL Family Literacy Packs
41. Montgomery Village MS Aspergers Program
42. Oak View ES Strum and Plunk Along
43. Oak View ES Hear it, see it, remember it!
44. Parkwood, Kensington Ask Me About What I've Read
45. Piney Branch ES Family Outreach Room
46. Piney Branch ES The Geography Bowl
47. Pyle MS Biotechnology Unit
48. Rock Creek Valley ES A Garden to Go
49. Rockville HS Hear Me Out
50. Rosemont ES Reading with Parents
51. SHARP Suspension Program SHARP Suspension Programs- Curriculum Support
52. Smith, Lathrop E. Environmental Outdoor Education
53. EducationSouth Lake  ES Parent and Student Lending Library
54. Stephen Knolls School Stephen Knolls Vocational Horticulture Program
55. Stephen Knolls School Vision Therapy Room
56. Takoma Park MS Six Traits for Parents and Kids
57. Watkins Mill ES Buddy Reading Program
58. Watkins Mill ES 24 Literacy Centers
59. West, Julius MS Reading Lab for "at risk" students
60. Wheaton HS Diversity is Our Strength
61. Whetstone ES

A Mosaic Mural Combining Math and Art Concepts

62. Wood, Earle B. MS Wood MS Science Flex Cam Program
63. Wootton, Thomas HS Multisensory Literature
64. Takoma Park ES  
  TOTAL $52,244.28