Small Grants Archive

2004-2005 Grants Awarded

School Project Name
1. Argyle MS SAT Awareness
2. Bells Mill ES After Lunch Bunch
3. Belmont ES Homework Club
4. Bel Pre ES The Parent Place
5. Beverly Farms ES Creating an Original Opera
6. Blair HS Readin', Writing' and Music, too!
7. Broad Acres ES "Leap" to Success in Reading
8. Broad Acres ES Bilingual Picture Dictionaries
9. Broad Acres ES Living Laboratory
10.  Brookhaven ES Individualized Vocabulary Support
11.  Burtonsville ES Creating an Original Opera
12.  Cannon Road ES Reading is Fun in Any Language
13.  Chevy Chase ES Family Science Night
14.  Chevy Chase ES Family Math Night
15.  Roberto Clemente MS First Lego League Challenge
16.  Cresthaven ES Cresthaven After School Astronomy Club
17.  Damascus ES 5th Grade Math
18.  Damascus HS Cross-Age Teaching of Science
19.  Diamond ES Facts at our Fingertips
20.  Division of Career and Technology MC High School Fire Science Program
21.  DuFief ES Developing Cooperative and written language skills
22.  Enriched and Innovative Instruction Math Differentiation in the Elementary Classrooms
23.  Enriched and Innovative Instruction same as above, different schools
24.  Enriched and Innovative Instruction Program of Assessment, Diagnosis, and Instruction
25.  Thomas Edison HS of Technology Restaurant Management Program
26.  Farmland ES Creating and Original Opera
27.  Forest Knolls ES Thinking Like Scientists
28.  Forest Oak MS After School Genetics Club
29.  Fox Chapel ES Islamic Designs in Music
30.  Galway ES Family Book Club
31.  Garrett Park ES Rising Stars Math Club
32.  Germantown ES Game Club
33.  Germantown ES Outdoor Art Classroom
34.  Glenallen ES Parent Partnership Nights
35.  Greenwood ES Mural Painting
36.  Jackson Road ES Beginnings Therapists and Teachers
37.  Walter Johnson HS Television Production
38.  Walter Johnson HS Walter Johnson Solar Car
39.  Stephen Knolls School Cooking for Independence
40.  Stephen Knolls School Walking to Work
41.  Stephen Knolls School Functional Math and Vocational Skills
42.  Stephen Knolls School Mealtime Magic-Assessment/Training for
43.  Longview ES IndependenceVoice Output  Communications Devices
44.  Longview ES Technology Access for Each One
45.  Longview ES Assistive Technology for Vocation and Life Skills
46.  Longview ES Adapted Stories
47.  Longview ES Independence & Communications in the Inclusive
48.  Longview School SettingTherapeutic Supplies    
49.  Longview School Competition and Interaction with age-appropriate
50.  Longview School stimuliAdapted  Toys and Switches
51. Magruder HS Honors Biology Genetic Engineering Experience
52. Sparks Matsunaga ES Building Machines that Work
53. Matsunaga/Longview School Longview School - Aquatic Program
54. Matsunaga Butterfly Garden
55. Meadow Hall ES Listening Stations
56. Monocacy ES PE Partnership
57. Mont. Co. Infant and Toddler Program- Montgomery County Infant and Toddler Program
58. East/Mont. Co. Infant and Toddler Program- Toy Lending Library/Viers Mill Team
59. Montgomery Knolls ES Preschool Education Program (PEP)
60. Northwood HS ESOL Program-Listening/Speaking Multimedia
61. William Tyler Page ES The Home School Connection
63. Parkland MS Academic Activities Center
64. Redland MS Technology Education
65. Rock Terrace School At-Risk Students (Right-Left Brain Integration/DDR)
66. Rockville HS Caption Marvels
67. Carl Sandburg Learning Center Exploration of Science
68. Carl Sandburg Learning Center "Leap" to success
69. SHARP Suspension Programs SHARP Suspension Programs Educational Supports
70. Takoma Park MS Accelerated Reading Program
71. Watkins Mill ES Buddy Program
72. Wheaton HS Performance Opportunities for our Diverse Population
73. Whetstone ES Mathematical Mosaics, Part II
74. E. B. Wood MS Request for PTA Classroom Support Funding, Deaf and hard of Hearing
75. Woodlin ES Fine Arts Bowl
76. Longview School Evaluation for use of Therapeutic Equipment
77. Longview School Rifton Adaptive Classroom Chair-medium
  TOTAL $61,240.81